ALUMINERA EXTRUSION, S.A. since 2019 its mission has been to develop its activity in such a way that it minimizes the environmental impact on the environment.

The purpose of the Environmental Policy is to establish a reference framework to integrate the protection of nature and the environment into the Group’s strategy, its investments and operations, and to define the principles of action for environmental and natural capital management. At ALUMINERA we have incorporated the Sustainable Development Goals approved by the UN in September 2015 into our business strategy and our governance and sustainability system.

To achieve this general objective, ALUMINERA EXTRUSION, S.A. will reinforce its daily actions and business decisions based on these four major environmental strategic axes:

  • Achieve climate neutrality by 2030, with annual CO2 Footprint certification.
  • Decarbonize the activity with the reduction and replacement of fossil fuels.
  • Promote the circular economy and responsible consumption of our activity and the ecosystems that support it.
  •  Raise awareness and communicate the environmental policy and actions to our workers, customers and suppliers.

The Aluminera Sustainability Plan is agreed upon and updated biannually, which includes the sub-objectives, actions, calendar and monitoring indicators, for the development of the group’s sustainability actions.

On an annual basis, Aluminera commits to its employees, clients and sector to publish the environmental report to share and communicate the actions carried out and their environmental impact.

Granollers, 20th January 2023.

The direction,

Click here to download the declaration
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